The King is Back

Currently, Bitcoin is the most searched term in the world. You can’t turn anywhere without hearing the “B” word. Like previously stated in our Litecoin article, no one can tell you why the price will continue to go up. Well, we figured out why!

Basic Economics

Most crypto price analysts have transformed into “money” experts. To understand money you must know economics. Bitcoin will continue to rise because of basic economic principles. Scarcity is the name of the game. As demand grows (with limited supply in circulation) people will fight to get the leftovers. As the battle intensifies the price shoots up.

Early Adopters Get The Worm

The chart above says it all, the early bird (or adopter) gets the worm. When people are first to market they benefit the most, as prices go up because of demand. Typically, in the traditional investment world, you snooze you lose. With cryptocurrencies, you still have a chance to make bigger gains.

Back To The Futures

Because of the Bitcoin Futures debut, Institutional investors (hedge funds) are pouring in to get whats left. The average person is also fighting to get their piece. Depending on how Bitcoin Futures do, more financial products will become available. With more products (cryptocurrency ETFs, options) to choose from, institutional investors will allocate funds to each of them.

Also, as Bitcoin becomes more difficult to mine, fewer coins will be created for consumption. This ensures price increases in the future.

Learn more about how the economy is changing and how you can capitalize by joining the 2018 Great Wealth Transfer.

If you have any questions, Talk to us! BlackCoupleTravels@gmail.com and sign up for our next webinar!



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