© 2017
This is me in my early 20s: a radical, fearless, entertainment industry professional.
During this time, the creation of Napster made it very difficult to be a part of a record label budget. So, I put on my big boy pants, found a job, and got a one-bedroom apartment until the industry picked up again.
A few years went by living the 9-5 lifestyle. The comfort of a job gave me a false sense of “security” while robbing me of happiness and time towards building wealth. Having a J.O.B (just over broke) was a noose that kept me away from who I really was – a free-spirited business leader.
In the last few years of me having a 9-5 job, I decided I was tired of making other people rich; it was time to make myself more money. I knew I was not going to be at my job much longer. I needed to figure out a way to pay my bills and go after my lifestyle of success.

© 2017
I realized wealthy people spend ample amounts of time on health and wellness, which mainly consist of travel. Travel for the elite is how they eliminate useless thoughts and refocus on what’s important. I wanted to go on multiple trips to see other things and learn other markets (areas to make money).
While figuring out how I was going to escape legal slavery, I realized that my interesting hobby of stock investing was bringing in a small amount of money to my account. I asked myself a good question “what if I can use my hobby to fund my travel?”
When it comes to business, I operate in steps and order not out of the chaos of emotion. I started taking my stock investments very serious, and formed a simple strategy based off of a specific time frame, and high-risk tolerance; I aggressively figured out what works.

© 2017
First, I set a time frame of 3 years for me to go on multiple trips. I went after stocks that paid dividends (interest/royalty payments). These dividends were sent to me every quarter (3 months). Also, I purchased tons of small cap (cost under $10) and penny (cost under $1) stocks. Every week I kept increasing the number of shares I owned.
NOTE: What kept me focused was my determination to not violate the number one rule of investing: do not become emotionally attached to a stock. Keep in mind that a stock is not a human. It has no soul or opinion, so it doesn’t matter. It only has a function: make you some money.
My investment style was common sense; buy into companies that made every day or high demand products people purchase, which will increase their profit so I can profit. Either by dividend payments or the value of each share, I was on the hunt for these types of stocks to build my portfolio up.
One of the stocks I purchased was a Company that made LCD screens. Common sense will tell you that cell phones, laptops, and other mobile devices will always need LCD screens. So, I researched the company’s investments and how often their clients (Apple, Samsung) purchased their products. Every year their clients released at least two phones. That was my process to say yes to this particular stock.

© 2017
After 3 years, I cashed out of all my stocks and booked my 3 trips around my paid time off. I went to Vegas, New York City, and South Beach Miami. While I was on my last trip, in South Beach, I sat on the beach and gazed at the ocean for 5 hours and just read and reflected on how I got to that point.
Over some of the best Latin food I’ve ever tasted, I thought about the sacrifices of luxuries I gave up to make these adventures happen. I knew eating dollar noodles frequently would lead to something greater than what I had at those moments.
Turning my hobby into a plan paid off in three short years. I had finally made my decision on how i was going to live my life from now on. If you so desire, you can do the same thing, try it……

© 2017
In life, we will always have a passion for something or want a career change. The old school way of figuring out what you want to do first then going after it is obsolete. Once you’ve figured out what you want to do in life, you still have to fund it.
Travel unlocks creative ideas that lead to endless possibilities of success. This was the foundation of my plan I created. I had to travel to unlock the ideas that were trapped in my mind because of the brainwashing of job security.
If you are ready to live life on your terms and want to know how to fund your ideas, click the link below and lets get started!!!!